Thursday, February 15, 2007

Information Page

Terms and Conditions

Please spend a moment of your time to go thru the T&C before making any purchase. Do note that we have the rights to make amendments without any notice.

o1- Pictures of products may not be 100% accurate due to light effects.
02- All products are sold on a first-come-first serve basic.
o3- Reservation is not allowed.
o4- Remake of products are not possible unless stated.
o5- Once an order is placed, the order will be in pending list.
o6- Do your payment within 3 days after confirmation of order else the product will be release for sales and you will be in our blacklist.
o7- Cancelling of orders is strictly not allowed after confirmation of orders.
08- All prices stated exclude postage fee.
09- Meeting up is allowed free to our convenience. Additional charges will be made if the meet up is to your convenience.
10- All products will be handle with tender loving care before post out thus we are not responsible for any damage or lost of product during normal postage.
11- No refunds or exchange to be allowed.


Payment and Receiving Products Methods.

o1- By postage, please do POSB transfer.
Normal Postage - $1.00
Registered Postage - $3.00

02- By meeting up, you can do POSB transfer before the day of meet up or cash on delivery.
Meeting up to our convenience will be free.
Meeting up to your convenience will be chargeable depending on distance.


Making Orders

To make your order, please kindly send the following information to us at

01- your full name
02- home address
03- email address
04- contact number
05- product code / quantity
06- Delivery method
07- For postage - type of postage

You will receive a reply from us within 24 hours time. Further instruction will be send to you too.

imesily posted new product at 9:52 PM
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